Abstract - The Information Society 3 (4)

"Saving Lives": A Computer Simulation Game for Public Education About Emergencies

James W Morentz

Information technologies have a great potential for improving emergency management, especially in the area of public education. One effort in this area is a product of the Emergency Public Information Competitive Challenge Grant, a creative program just begun by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Center for the Application of Science and Technology to Emergency Management is developing computer games that teach the public emergency management techniques. ''Saving Lives: The Emergency Management Game'' will be designed for 3 types of users: l. children aged 5 to 9, 2. older children and teens, and 3. adults. Its levels of play are: 1. hazard awareness, 2. preparedness actions, 3. warning responses, 4. event behavior, and 5. recovery behavior. Variations include: 1. a children's educational game, 2. an adventure game, 3. a mystery novel game, and 4. a simulator game.

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